Imagine if India had invaded other countries like say England even before England invaded us, what would happen to the
names of the cities in UK, obviously not being able to pronounce English names we would have changed to suit our tounge
like the British did to our cities, many of which we even use till date.
So here is a list of few cities and how we might have called them.
Birmingham - Bramhagaon
Manchester - Manuchestara
Leeds - Leedpur
Glasgow - Glaasgaavi
Edinburgh - Eddinadurga
London - Londhaam
Liverpool - Livaarpur
Bristol - Bristuru
Lancashire - Lankashehar
Sunderland - Sundarakaanda
On a serious note, I dont think we Indians would have changed any name of any city, I am sure we would have learnt to pronounce them the way locals do, unlike the Britishers who couldnt pronounce even the simple sounding names of Indian cities.